Lecturer @ The University of British Columbia
Lecturer, University of British Columbia (July 2022 - Present)
Adjunct Faculty, Newcastle University, UK (Singapore Campus) (Oct 2021- Present)
Degree Programme Director (Marine Tech.), Newcastle University, UK (Singapore Campus) (Apr 2019- Aug 2021)
Assistant Professor, Newcastle University, UK (Singapore Campus) (Aug 2016- Sep 2021)
Research Fellow, National University of Singapore (Dec 2014-July 2016)
Research Engineer, National University of Singapore (Aug 2013-Nov 2014)
Research Scholar, National University of Singapore (Aug 2009-July 2013)
Graduate Teaching Assistant, National University of Singapore (2010-2011)
Project Consultant, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (Apr 2009-July 2009)
Lecturer, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (Apr 2009-July 2009)
Research Grants
Fund Received as PI/Co-PI (Approx. $ 547,000)​​
Machine Learning Based Platform for Energy Demand and Generation Forecasting. Funded by: Research England, UK. (Dec 2021)
Investigation on Drag Forces of a Hull Cleaning ROV System. Funded by: C-Leanship, Denmark. (Oct 2020)
AI-assisted Ship manoeuvring simulator with improved, collision avoidance model. Funded by: UTM Encouragement Research Grant, Malaysia. (Sep 2020)
Safety Envelope for Ship Recycling Practices in Bangladesh: Hazard Identification and Risk Evaluation. Funded by: Lloyds Register & Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. (Mar 2020)
Funded Projects worked for as a Researcher/Fellow:
Shielding Effects on FLOATEL due to Turret Moored FPSO. (2014 – 2016)
Funding organization: NRF, Singapore. -
Analysis, Testing and Monitoring of an Innovative Coupling Arm System:
Two-body Analysis of Coupling Arm between a SEMI and TLP. (2014 – 2016)
Funding organization: NRF, Singapore. -
Semi-submersible Hull Optimization. (2014)
Funding organization: NRF, Singapore. -
Phase 2 of RTC: Low-cost Decentralized Sanitary System for Treatment, Water and
Resources Recovery. (2013)
Funding organization: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA. -
Perspective of shipbuilding industry in Bangladesh. (2009)
Funding organization: Royal Danish Embassy, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Teaching and Research Interests
Renewable Energy and Sustainability in Engineering Design.
Ship and Coastal System Design and Optimization.
Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Marine Technology.
Computer Aided Engineering Design and Basic Programming.
Professional Engagements​
Reviewer: For many multidisciplinary journals and conferences (including, Energies, Sustainability, Ocean Engineering, Ships and Offshore Structures, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Int. Journal of Sustainable Energy Engineering, OMAE conference, OTC Asia Conference).
Organizer/Session Chair/Co-Chair: For various conferences including, OMAE and OTC Asia.
Member: The Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA)
Member: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Member: The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
Member: Overseas Chapter of The Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Singapore (OCIEBS)
Executive Committee Member: (General member, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-Chairman) Overseas Chapter of The Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Singapore (OCIEBS): 2010-2021.
Executive Committee Member: (WebEditor, Secretary) Joint Branch of RINA and IMarEST in Singapore: 2018-2020.
Interests and Volunteering
Committee Member: School Council, St. Andrew’s Elementary, St. Johns, NL, Canada.
Certified First Aider (since 2016): Completed ‘ISO 29990:2010 Standard Occupational First Aid’ course in Singapore.
Facilitator: Student Staff Liaise Committee, Overseas Immersion Program, Newcastle University.
Website Development: Developed (two) and maintaining (one) official websites of social organizations.
Leadership & Teamwork: Served NUS Graduate Students’ Society for three consecutive years as marketing director, general secretary, and vice president. (2010-2013).
Volunteer: Present: Association for New Canadians (ANC), Google Map Maker, Google Translate. Past: Singapore Heart Foundation (SHF), National Kidney Foundation (Singapore), National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre, (Singapore).
Service recognition crest from Overseas Chapter of The Institution of Engineers Bangladesh, Singapore (OCIEBS), 2021.
Certificate for outstanding performance in team-building event, by Keppel NUS Corp Lab (Nov 2014).
NUS- Graduate Students’ Society (GSS) ‘Leadership Award 2012’.
Certificate of participation in ‘Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living 2011-12 Competition’.
First prize in ‘NUS CE Day Geo-Tech Foundation Design Competition 2011’.
NUS Research Scholarship (2009-2013)
BUET Deans list scholarship (2004-2009)
Bangladesh Education Board Scholarship (2004-2009)
Junior Secondary Government Scholarship (1998)
Several Regional Level Scholarships
Software Skills
Specialized packages: ANSYS, OrcaFlex, Hydrostar, HARP, AutoCAD
Programming: MATLAB, Python, Fortran
Visualization Tools: Paraview, Matlab, Tecplot, Origin